HOW TO: Warm Lemon Tea Detox (+ a free PDF)


The first thing you probably think of when you hear lemon is sour. Or maybe yellow or lemonade. It could also possibly that nasty flavor in virtually every candy bag. That’s completely understandable. I, personally, think of all four at the same time which I think is actually virtually impossible so I probably don’t do that. Anywho, I had many run-ins with lemon water before I decided to make it apart of my morning ritual. As someone who is constantly looking for ways to better herself, I asked my sister for an easy, natural way to balance my pH, which has been known to throw your body out of whack when off balance (Side effects include: acne, body odor, dry skin, unhappiness, etc etc). She sighed, and reluctantly told me to try fresh lemon tea, then asked me why I didn’t look it up my self. I ignored the last part, and asked her to tell me how to make it. I drank it everyday for about a week, until I forgot. Then tried it again months later as part of a diet we were trying, and stopped (the diet and the regular drinking of lemon water) as soon as I had a craving for turkey burgers.  One brisk morning, after realizing that we were out of apple-cinnamon tea, I decided to try it again and have since stuck with it.


As a part of my morning ritual, I drink 10 oz of warm lemon water. But before I get into how it’s down here are some of the benefits of drink fresh lemon tea–

Interesting Facts, Tips, and Benefits:

  • the d-limonene found in lemons is being used to dissolve gallstones associated with cancer. In other words, it has promising anticancer properties.
  • Fresh lemon juice aids in digestion and  relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn.
  • The pectin fiber helps fight hunger craving and aids with weight loss.
  • reduces inflammation much like the turmeric mask but all over your body and joints.
  • antiseptic properties freshen breath
  • It helps to fight and prevent viral infections and colds. Though you can drink cold, drinking warm heightens the enzymes and helps calm sore throats.
  • the enzymes make you happier and the lemon water can (and should) be used in replace of coffee in the morning.


It is incredibly easy to make, but it varies depending on your weight. Because I am under 150 pounds, I am supposed to drink somewhere between 8 and 12 oz of water, so I drink 10.

Boil one cup of water, and squeeze a half a lemon into your cup. That’s it. Do not drink boiling and burn your tongue, because that won’t help any, and you can always juice the lemon using an electric juicer, but just make sure it is one ounce, for 150 lbs and under and that it is fresh no matter your weight. You can ignore any seeds you may get, but stomach the pulp if you can, it contains many health benefits. If it is over 12 oz, drink over the course of a couple of hours because your body can only metabolize 12 oz of water at a time.

PDF coverI made a PDF that includes more benefits, tips, a how to guide on how to drink it depending on your weight, and facts about lemons and how much they help your body. It’s not long, only 5 pages–well, 4 if you don’t include the Resources, and 3 if you don’t include the cover. But how fun would that be? Not very. Until next time. Sage Out.

If you have any other questions, you can ask in the comment section, but you can also find most answers in the free pdf. Your Welcome.

Click Here for the free PDF:

15 Sweet Facts About Lemons and Lemon Water

*Side Note: Today was supposed to be a Fitness Friday, but due to the lack of sun this morning I was unable to take the pictures that I wanted to. But there should be a fitness post, next week. See you then ^-^*

How To Make A Gluten-Free Open-Faced Smoked Salmon Sandwich (The Perfect Go-To Breakfast!)


I had breakfast again today, guys (shocker, I know). And it was so fantabulous, I decided to share it with you all. It started out as a late breakfast, and the only reason I was eating was because my mom insists that I eat for some strange reason. She says, “It’s necessary to live.”  I think she’s lying.  But, despite my skepticism, I went into the kitchen looking for something to eat. At first my attempts were fruitless, as I picked up multiple types of snacks (chips, nuts, popcorns, and the likes) and decided I wanted none of them. My stomach growled as I realized I was indeed hungry and I was not finding food fast enough to feed the stomach that was currently chewing on my arm (guess the reference and tell me in the comments below!). And as it turns out, you do need food to live. So, with my head held low in shame for having been wrong about human mortality, I grabbed the gluten-free bread to begin making my perfect go-to breakfast.


My family and I don’t use toasters, so, I start with a heated pan (fairly high depending on your stove top and pan type), with no oil in it, to “toast” the bread.  After that I added mayonnaise. I prefer Hollywood’s safflower oil mayonnaise because it is much lighter and less salty (also high in antioxidants and vitamin E which is a plus), but if you don’t have that olive oil mayonnaise also works, which is actually what I used in these pictures because we are out of the other kind.


With mayonnaise comes great responsibility, so I also added a little bit (okay, a lot) of Dijon mustard (my favorite, doesn’t really matter what brand you get as long as it doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup or sodium nitrites (and all that good bad stuff in it– keep note, that is just a joke it really is bad for you) in it.) While you are doing this I would add your smoked salmon to the stove, unless, of course, you prefer raw smoked salmon which works just as well if that’s your style.


Then, with however much smoked salmon you like, add it to your bread, olive oil or safflower oil mayonnaise, and Dijon mustard.


Then, slice up some tomatoes, and put them on top. And, though I forgot it in these pictures, I would also add chia seeds for digestion.



And because peaches are delicious, I sliced those up and had them as a side but you can choose any fruit. These were fresh and sweet, which cut the salt from the smoked salmon.


With a cold glass of water or hot tea, this is the perfect go-to breakfast. It literally takes seconds to make and it’s delicious whenever and wherever. You could also add avocado, if that’s your thing. But I was lazy, so today it was not my thing. Whatever. Don’t judge.


Okay, so that’s all. Tell me what you think in the comment section and whether you are a cooked smoked salmon kind of person or an as-is type of person!

Here, I usually have this ending where I tell you to check out the “idea” page and whatnot, but I am going to stop doing that from now on. I’ve noticed that trying to figure out something new to try to do is actually very pressing and stressful. But, because I still like the idea I still encourage you to drop me an email or comment telling me new things to try out so I don’t have to think about it myself. 🙂

I am still in the works of writing a post about yaoi for my little experiment, and I watched a lot of ’em with suggestions from a reader after my very traumatizing experience with a certain yaoi I won’t mention the name of, whom I will mention when I get the post done. It is just taking longer than I thought it would, so be patient with me. That is all for today. Until next time. Bye. Ciao. 바이 바이. Aloha. Peace.


Have Breakfast With Me, Yeah?: Chia Pudding


Chia pudding is absolutely delicious, and it is my understanding that this is fairly easy to make, though I’ve never made it personally…. Out of 5 stars I give it 4.5 for taste (takes some getting used to) and 3 for texture (like I said, It takes some getting used to). I believe it is made with raw chia seeds, almond milk, maple syrup, and cinnamon.  Here it was topped with raspberries, almonds (raw), walnuts (raw), bananas, sunflower seeds (salted), dried cranberries (I think it was some kind of mix from Trader Joes), cinnamon, and gluten-free walnut brownies that we got from Trader Joes.


It’s light and airy feeling, and gives you plenty of energy. Like, by the end of it you feel as though you didn’t eat anything, like your stomach is full of air, though you’re full (am I selling this?). It’s vegan/vegetarian, gluten-free, and would’ve been raw if it hadn’t been for the brownies. But brownies are necessary (they are not necessary). Brownies are life.

I suggest you try it. It’s delish. Another post tomorrow 😉 — Sage

Fromage de Brie et Les Sandwiches Délicieux (Brie Cheese and Delicious Sandwiches)

Did you know brie cheese is French? Well, it is. It’s named after the Brie region of France (hence the French title). This is probably common knowledge but I learned it in my French class so now it’s new and amazing knowledge. My gift to you. Be amazed!


Brie cheese. Have you ever had it before? It’s delicious if you haven’t and you need to. It kind of tastes like butter and atop one of the nasty, tasteless crackers (I’m kidding they’re not that gross) they taste even better.


Turkey meat– with none of those nasty preservatives (that needs to be fried or deveined or something), mozzarella cheese, and tomatoes that you can’t see in this picture. Plus:


Five different types of lettuce. I don’t know them all but I see arugula and butter lettuce.


Equals a darn good sandwich on wheat, gluten-free bread.


Picture7I’m not sure… but I think I took this picture upside down. Too much Kombucha?



Now, these aren’t your typical meat and cheese sandwiches. They are open-faced sandwiches with fresh tomato, Queso cheese, and basil with a drizzle of olive oil on top of thick, rye bread that soft and moist on the inside and crispy on the outside. In the name of 30-Minute Meals I say, “Yumm-o!”


They’re not only delicious but gorgeous as well. Sounds like the perfect boyfriend… I’m just kidding.  Kind of.